Lok's Cops and Robbers Forum
Some Changes - Printable Version

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Some Changes - Dthang. - 05-19-2024

1.Change robbing style from shops, casinos, and more (like aiming at npc)
2.add safe in places that can players crack it or rob it
3.select spawn location 
4.name change command (/name, /namechange)
5.add duels system
6.add walking npc that can players rob it
7.more jobs
8.add grenades im ammu
9.$ commands ($pl shows pocket loss) ($fps shows fps)
10. atms robbing
TY <3

RE: Some Changes - Sharky - 05-23-2024

Sounds pretty good.

RE: Some Changes - Erorr - 06-01-2024

Yes good

RE: Some Changes - Lokweishes - 06-04-2024

(05-19-2024, 04:36 PM)Dthang. Wrote: 1.Change robbing style from shops, casinos, and more (like aiming at npc)
2.add safe in places that can players crack it or rob it
3.select spawn location 
4.name change command (/name, /namechange)
5.add duels system
6.add walking npc that can players rob it
7.more jobs
8.add grenades im ammu
9.$ commands ($pl shows pocket loss) ($fps shows fps)
10. atms robbing
TY <3
Some of the suggestions we have already implemented such as new spawn locations and jobs. Regarding the ATM withdrawal and deposit you suggested before which was voted negative, I assume robbing ATM belongs to that category too. I do not like /namechange, rather I would prefer existing players request it somewhere where existing players can see it and they know it is you even after the name change, rather than completely going undercover/unknown. We will be adding a duel system, more jobs, and $ commands, but not adding grenades in ammunition. Lastly, other suggestions such as adding a safe to crack or rob, and walking NPC to rob will take more time.